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Francesco Marco Narrastrofe
Francesco Marco Narrastrofe

Francesco Marco Narrastrofe

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Apprendista fucilierePoems09/10/2016 21:44:15
Orfeo e EuridicePoems07/09/2016 21:06:44
DomaniNotes and thoughts03/09/2016 18:21:39
Malinconie variabiliPoems20/08/2016 17:37:34
PensieroNotes and thoughts22/07/2016 17:26:10
Un altro giornoPoems01/07/2016 18:29:09
Quella tua cattiva stellaPoems24/06/2016 17:31:52
Non so spiegarePoems16/06/2016 21:08:48
La mia croceNotes and thoughts14/06/2016 01:15:00
Certe volte ...dioNotes and thoughts03/06/2016 16:38:49
Amo i dintorniNotes and thoughts01/06/2016 15:38:08
Ho speranzaNotes and thoughts29/05/2016 18:40:13
TempestaNotes and thoughts28/05/2016 15:33:58
L'insolito e l'ovvioNotes and thoughts26/05/2016 00:44:16
AmamiNotes and thoughts22/05/2016 15:37:09

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